2023 Quadrennial Conference
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2023 Quadrennial Conference

Monday, March 13, 2023
Dear Ministers,
Preparations are underway for our upcoming 2023 Quadrennial Conference Session at the Conference Ministry and Retreat Center located at 7545 US Highway 29 in Browns Summit, NC. We are happy to announce the addition of a special Minister Licensing and Ordination Session that will be held on Friday, June 2, 2023, at 7:00 PM. Our Business Session will follow on Saturday, June 3, 2023, at 9:00 AM with check-in beginning at 8:00 AM. We welcome our presiding Bishop, Dr. A.D. Beacham, Jr., who will preside over the Friday evening and Saturday sessions.
Please make plans to be present for our Minister Licensing and Ordination Session on Friday, June 2, 2023, at 6:30 PM. We will celebrate the Call of God by recognizing our students who have completed the Biblical Ministers Institute program and share in the Licensing and Ordination Service of each ministerial candidate who has successfully completed the IPHC credentialing requirements as recommended by our Conference Ministerial Credentialing Committee.
Our Business Session will begin on Saturday, June 3, 2023, at 9:00 AM. The Conference in session will adopt our 2023 Quadrennial Conference Committee Reports as presented by our Decorum and Bylaws Committees. The Memoirs Committee Report and Presentation will honor the families of our ministers and spouses who were promoted to heaven over this last year. The 2023 Quadrennial Conference Committee Report will be provided via email to all delegates before May 3, 2023. If you wish to have a printed copy, contact Tennille Nichols at the Conference Office by calling 336-656-7936 ext. 110. Please see the list of the members of our 2023 Quadrennial Conference Committees included with this letter.
The election of our Conference Executive Council will be held Saturday, June 3, 2023, utilizing electronic devices and the process outlined in the Conference Electoral Procedures Committee Report as adopted in our 2022 Annual Conference Session.Please note that our 2022 – 2026 IPHC Bylaws require that each Conference adopt one of two term options for our Executive Council:(1)a term limit of three consecutive terms in any one office or (2) no term limits.This determination will be made by majority vote prior to our elections.If the term limits are upheld, four of the nine current members of the Executive Council will not be eligible to serve.
Please remember that all Licensed and Ordained Ministers are required to attend the Quadrennial Conference Session. Participating ministers must meet the Conference Financial and Continuing Education Requirements in order to be seated within the bar (with seat, voice, and vote) during the Conference Session. If you have a question about this, I urge you to contact a member of the Conference Executive Council. The Conference Executive Council must approve all ministerial and lay delegates as outlined in the IPHC Manual.
Ministers will receive (1) CEU for the Friday Evening Session and two (2) CEU’s for your participation in the Saturday Session. If you are unable to attend due to extenuating circumstances, please submit your request to the Executive Council to be excused in writing before the day of Conference.
More details regarding childcare and other details of the Conference will be made available at www.ccrdc.org/events. If you would like to make arrangements for overnight lodging, please contact the Conference Office before May 15, 2023, by calling 336-656-7936 ext. 114.
If there is anything I can do to assist you, please don’t hesitate to contact me. You can reach me at our offices at (336) 656-7936, ext. 128 or on my cell at (828) 228-1959. My email is mainsworth@ccrdc.org.
May I ask you to please join with me in prayer for our Quadrennial Conference Sessions. We are asking the Holy Spirit to guide us in every decision as we seek to glorify the Lord Jesus in everything we do! Thank you in advance!
Grace and peace,
Mike S. Ainsworth, Superintendent
Cornerstone Conference, IPHC