The Great Commission
Quién nosotros Son
Como miembro participante de la Iglesia Internacional de Santidad Pentecostal ( IPHC ) , estamos comprometidos a ser un lugar de esperanza y un pueblo de promesa. Cornerstone Conference ha experimentado el favor y la fidelidad de Dios por más de 100 años. Estamos comprometidos a seguir a Cristo con un enfoque renovado para el ministerio lleno del Espíritu del siglo XXI. Los invito a unirse a Cornerstone en el gozoso trabajo de equipar a ministros e iglesias para cumplir la Gran Comisión.
Evangelism Minstries
Evangelism Ministries serves Cornerstone Conference by working to assist churches in equipping leaders to plant new congregations. We seek to help local churches become vibrant, healthy, growing, and reproducing churches by resourcing and training disciple-makers who lead in the multiplying of soul-winning churches.

Hispanic Ministries
The Hispanic Ministry of the Cornerstone Conference exists to equip and empower Hispanic ministers, leaders and churches for the fulfillment of the Great Comission. We strive to provide open opportunities to serve; train, coach and provide resources to our Hispanic ministers and their congregations.

Click here to see upcoming events and registration links for Cornerstone Conference IPHC
Click here to see selected resources from our Resident Directors, to assist you and your church.