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Israel Relief Fund

World Missions Ministries Israel Relief Fund

ISRAEL — Following recent and developing events in Israel, IPHC World Missions Ministries has opened the Israel Relief Fund to immediately begin administering humanitarian relief efforts to those in need through ministries on the ground.

On Saturday, Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas militants launched a multi-front attack on Israel by land, sea, and air, leaving the nation with at least 70 dead and hundreds wounded, not counting the reported 1,500 Hamas fighters found killed along the border following the attacks. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was reported to have called it a “dark day” for Israel and declared war on Hamas.

Since the initial strikes, the death toll has continued to rise. As of Tuesday, Oct. 10, major news outlets reported Israeli loss surpassing 900 lives, with many more to be accounted for as the number grows, at least 2,500 injured, and around 150 taken hostage. In Gaza, over 750 deaths and 4,000 injuries were reported.

Israel and its people have been left in disarray of unimaginable proportions, and the Church is prepared to step in to be the hands and feet of Jesus amid the war. As you pray, pray for Israel.

If you would like to give toward the relief efforts, you may do so online at []( or by check to Cornerstone Conference or to IPHC P.O. Box 12609 Oklahoma City, OK 73157, earmarked Israel Relief, Project #26010P. 100 percent of contributions made will go directly toward Israel under the oversight of WMM Regional Director of Eurasia and the Middle East Bob Cave and Israel National Leader Michael Sadosky.

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