Christian leaders and their organizations are not immune to fraud and embezzlement. According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, in 2020 approximately $52.6 billion or 6.5% of all funds given by Christians globally was lost to fraud and embezzlement. These numbers are especially disheartening when we realize that only $32 billion dollars was spent worldwide on missions. More money goes out the door to crime than missions. And most fraud in the church is undetected or unreported. As good stewards of the resources entrusted to us, let’s do all we can to prevent donated funds from being misused criminally.
AG Financial has produced an excellent, helpful interview with Dr. Richard Hammar, highlighting procedures for the handling of offering funds and deposits, insurance needs, and general financial controls. You may want to view this video with your team and discuss ways you can better protect the funds entrusted to you.
Article By: Darrell Cox
Conference Treasurer
Cornerstone Conference IPHC