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Rev. James & Joyce Ward Memorial Church


Location – San Luis, Guatemala

Cornerstone Conference World Missions Ministries and LENDAHAND Ministries are joining together to build a church in San Luis, Guatemala in memory of the legacy of Rev. James and Joyce Ward. The Ward’s served as IPHC Missionaries to Guatemala from November 2002 to 2010. After retirement, they frequently returned to Guatemala for short term mission trips to build churches and to continue the People to People ministry. The Ward’s attended the North Pointe Pentecostal Holiness Church until their recent passing.

The Cost of this building project is $40,000.00. Currently, we have raised all the money needed to complete this project. Thank you to everyone who gave to make this possible. There are two trips planned for the construction of this church. The first is July 18-23 and the second is November 7-17. If you are interested in being a part of one or both of these building teams please contact Bobby Hoyle (757-615-2371).

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