Article By: Jonathan Hill
Resident Director of Evangelism Ministries
Cornerstone Conference IPHC
Lives are truly being transformed at Transformation Outreach in Greensboro, NC. We continue to celebrate our newest church plant in Cornerstone as Mike and Kim Bullis are leading adults and children to Jesus inside a hotel lobby located in the area known to the locals as "death valley" (one of the most dangerous stretches of highway in North Carolina, where US Hwy 29, I40 & I85 converge).
In six months, there have been 10 first-time salvations along with 12 rededications! This is another reminder of the importance of new church plants because there is so often a renewed emphasis on reaching the lost and taking the Gospel to where the people are. Continue to pray for Holy Spirit to move in a mighty way through Mike and Kim, seasoned ministry veterans who could have said it's time to retire but instead, have been reignited by the fire of God to invest in the hurt and broken.
If you and/or your church would like to invest in the work of Transformation Outreach, please contact Jonathan Hill, Resident Director of Evangelism Ministries at 336-656-7936, ext. 135.